The status of Planet X…. tbd

Recently, scientists Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown have claimed to discover a new planet tentatively called “Planet X” (also called Nibiru). Although the planet has not technically been spotted, the scientists are optimistic, nay certain, that their discovery will yield in a new planet. But what exactly are the steps necessary for Planet X to become a planet? Well it’s easier than you might think.


A depiction of Planet 9

Apparently, the only thing needed to confirm Planet X is for it to be actually viewed. You see, the scientists haven’t actually seen Planet X, they have merely proposed its existence based on a set of calculations of space objects past Neptune. That being said, this isn’t some random guess. Batygin and Brown claim that the odds that they are incorrect (and that Planet X is not actually a planet) is about 1 in 15,000. According to their calculations, Planet X is about 10 times the size of the Earth and is very gaseous.

While this theory is incredible and most likely true, Batygin and Brown say they don’t expect to actually find Planet X until about 5 years from now. This is actually the reason they released their findings early, before actually viewing the planet. They want other scientists to assist them in their search to confirm Planet X’s existence.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that Planet X actually exists, or do we need to wait until we have definitive proof?


2 thoughts on “The status of Planet X…. tbd

  1. Wow, this is super cool Logan, thanks for sharing. It is crazy to think there is another planet close by that we were so unaware of until now. When we spot it, I wonder what type of study we decide to do with it. Too bad it’s so gaseous. I have a gut feeling that Planet X exists, but I am also no astronomer. If the researchers seem this confident though, I hope they are in fact correct. Meanwhile we are still figuring out what to do with Pluto…this would throw a whole other animal in the mix! Great post.


    1. I totally agree how crazy it is that it’s just now been discovered. In addition to making me think about Pluto, it makes me wonder if there are other planets that have yet to be discovered! Who knows what the possible addition of this planet will do for astronomic discoveries?!


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